Psychology Practice
Mindfulness-based and body-oriented methods were integrated in the development of modern cognitive behavioral therapy, especially with the recognition of the important integrative role of emotions and the body. With the development of new brain scanning techniques, there were new impulses for the cognitive neurosciences and psychotherapy research through the concept of mindfulness: Century-old techniques for investigating the mind and contemplative methods, mostly from eastern wisdom traditions, show often to be helpful in a secular context through evidence-based interventions within psychotherapy, in order to become more conscious of the mind and its functions. Within psychotherapy, which is understood as help to help oneself, mindfulness and the intensified awareness of personal resources through its practice, are the base of personal growth, in order to be able to accept one’s own problems and to be able to face the challenges of life. In that respect, I show you and encourage a daily practice of mindfulness exercises for self-care reasons, because personal growth is happening especially in between our sessions.
• Psychological Psychotherapy
(modern integrative CBT) for children, teenagers and adults
• Psychological Counseling
• Coaching
• Training
• Supervision